Association Activities

The main activities that the JAIOP is involved in are as follows.

Hosting Association Conferences

The Association provides a forum in which JAIOP members can announce their research and interact with other members. These conferences are held once per year for the purpose of considering and solving the various problems faced by industry and organizations through the free exchange of high-quality information and opinions during individual presentations and symposiums, etc.

The Members’ General Meeting is held during the conference as a basic principle.

Click here for detailed information on the conference

Hosting Workshops  

Workshops are independently hosted at appropriate intervals by each division (Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Safety and Operation and Consumer Behavior divisions). These provide a forum for active debate into the theory and practice of aspects related to industry and organizations, which enhances research potential and connects into daily work.

Click here for detailed information on the workshops

■ Publishing Association Journals

The name of the Association’s journal is Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research. It provides articles, editorials, research information and other details on the latest theories and practical research into human resources, organizational behavior, safety and operations, and consumer behavior.
All of the articles published have to go through a screening process by a team of editors. It is published bi-annually. We look forward to receiving as many submissions as possible from Association members.

■ Publishing JAIOP News

JAIOP News is published for the purpose of exchanging hot information and amity between JAIOP members. It provides information and reports on Association activities, information of other related associations, articles submitted by members, and details on member movements, etc. A journal of diversified information. It is published bi-annually.

■ Research by Study Teams into Important Themes

 Study teams are formed to proceed with research into pressing and important themes, such as advances in computerization and interacting with organizations, organizations and mental health, the diversification of employment conditions and human resource issues, etc.

■ Miscellaneous

  1. Lectures and symposiums to which prominent overseas researchers in the field of industrial and organization psychology are invited are held on an irregular basis.
  2. A system has been established to provide support to the research activities of young researchers. Contact the Association’s secretariat for further details.
  3. The Association has also set up a service to provide information and consultations in a wide variety of areas (such as personnel evaluation, labor audits, education and training, factory checks and marketing strategies, etc.).