

花尾 由香里(東京富士大学)

杉本 徹雄(上智大学)

The purpose of this study was to examine corporate policy for risk communication of Endocrine Disrupters and how that communication impacts consumer perception of that risk. It appears that a large number of corporations were not forthcoming or communicative about the risks involved. These companies appeared to consider it not necessary to react quickly when the risk assessment was not definite and were less transparent than the media. It was considered not in the interests of the corporations for consumers to be made aware of the potential dangers. This may result in a large percentage of consumers having little or no faith in the information provided by these companies now and in the future.

キーワード : リスクコミュニケーション, 内分泌攪乱物質, 消費者の信頼, 企業調査, 消費者行動
