

児玉 真樹子(広島大学)

Effects of career and child-care mentoring on vocational and parental identity,as well as the mediating effects of work-family conflict on the above variables were investigated in regular employees who are childrearing. Participants were 66 men and 217 women regular employees,who had preschool,or school-aged children. Results showed that there were no gender differences in the effects of career mentoring and work-family conflict on vocational identity,and in the effect of child-care mentoring on parental identity. Career mentoring directly promoted vocational identity,child-care mentoring directly promoted parental identity,and work-family conflict had a negative effect on vocational identity. But there were gender differences in the effect of career mentoring on work-family conflict and in the effect of work-family conflict on parental identity.

キーワード : メンタリング, 職業的アイデンティティ, 親アイデンティティ, ワーク・ファミリー・コンフリクト, 育児中の正社員
