

加藤 淳(愛知学院大学大学院)

In this article,the relation of flexible culture and resilience engineering is reviewed from the awareness of issues that it is necessary to arrange the safety culture. Finally,relation to the safety culture is thought viewpoint of a human error of window work in junior college. Reason advocated a concrete method from the idea of engineering safety culture. There is a reporting culture,a just culture,a flexible culture,a learning culture. The word of resilience is frequently used at last few years. When the individual and the organization faced a situation outside assumption,flexible culture and resilience are requested. There is a concept of loose coupling. This is advocated as a frame of the organization of education. In that sense,junior college is an organization of the loose coupling. And it has the characteristic in which flexible culture can be achieved.

キーワード : 安全文化, レジリエンス工学, ヒューマンエラー, ルースカップリング
