

竹下 浩(職業能力開発総合大学校)

山口 裕幸(九州大学 )

Recently,many researches on organization have focused on team’s learning activity. However,its effect on organizational outcomes and motivational factors have not been made out sufficiently. Revealing such mechanism is urgent for successful team management. This paper therefore verifies effectiveness of team learning activity by different raters of team learning and team performance. We also verify the motivational factors of team learning model by extending the social identity theory to the organizational context,using framework of the teamwork factor model. As a result of the factor analysis,the multilevel correlation analysis and the structured equation model analysis on the data collected by a questionnaire to business persons (thirty teams,twenty seven leaders and ninety seven members): (1) Team’s exploratory learning correlated with its innovativeness; (2) “Affected commitment to the team” affected exploitative learning and “interest in other teams” affected exploratory learning at the individual level; (3) Only exploitative learning was affected significantly by “team self-esteem” and “interest in other teams” at the collective level.

キーワード : チーム学習活動, 組織的成果, 動機づけ要因, 社会的アイデンティティ理論
