

藤原 勇(京都橘大学)

This study examines the development of scales measuring supervisor trust of a subordinate (ToSb),as well as subordinate trust of a supervisor (ToSp). First,through the analysis of data (supervisor: N = 20; subordinate: N = 13),ToSp and ToSb were constructed. Next,web data analysis (supervisor: N = 150; subordinate: N = 150),was used to test,the validity and reliability of the ToSp and ToSb constructed in this study. The results confirmed that ToSp and ToSb had high validity and reliability except for the reverse-scored items. Therefore,future research should review reverse scoring items of ToSp and ToSb.

キーワード : 被信頼, 上司・部下関係, 信頼, 反映的自己評価, メンタルヘルス
