

亀山 晶子(国際医療福祉大学)

樫原 潤(東洋大学)

山川 樹(東北文化学園大学)

村中 昌紀(静岡福祉大学)

坂本 真士(日本大学)

 Recently, a case of depression called “modern-type depression” (MTD), which has different
characteristics from melancholic or traditional-type depression (TTD), has been discussed. At the
workplace, it has been suggested that employees with MTD are regarded as a problem, so this study
examined the characteristics of impressions and attitudes toward MTD compared to those regarding TTD
among supervisors and coworkers. Survey participants were 245 managers and 208 non-managerial
employees from Japan. They read two vignettes that described fictitious employees with either TTD or
MTD, and completed items regarding their impressions and attitudes toward these employees. Results
indicated the following: (a) both managerial and non-managerial employees recognized there were
employees similar to those described in the MTD vignette in society, especially among the youngest
generations; (b) both managerial and non-managerial employees had more negative impressions and
attitudes toward employees with MTD compared to those regarding employees with TTD; and (c)
managers were more likely to attribute the cause of MTD to the employee’s personality and have lower
sense of familiarity and understanding toward MTD characteristics. It is suggested that there are less
understanding and support for MTD in the workplace and countermeasures for these problems are

キーワード : 「新型うつ」, 職場のメンタルヘルス問題, ビネット調査, 上司・同僚からのサポート
