
組織従業員のHRM認知とリテンションとの関係 -キャリア発達の観点から-

山本 寛(青山学院大学)

The purpose of this study is three fold. The first one is to investigate the relation between employees’ perceptions of human resource management (perceptions of HRM) and their turnover intentions (retention). The second one is to investigate the mediating effect of employees’ career development toward the relation between their perceptions of HRM and turnover intentions. The third one is to investigate the moderating effect of employees’ job performance toward the relation between their perceptions of HRM or career development and turnover intentions. The facts and conclusions in this paper were drawn by using 258 employees. About the first one, after using multiple regression analysis, it was clear that employees’ perceptions of suitability of performance appraisal / promotion and employment security lower their turnover intentions. About the second one, after using path analysis, the mediating effect of employees’ career development (perceived promotion opportunity, career satisfaction, and professional competence) toward the relation that their perceptions of HRM lower turnover intentions was cleared. About the third one, after using multiple regression analysis and moderator analysis, significant moderating effects of the height of job performance between employees’ perceptions of HRM and their turnover intentions toward following relations were cleared: 1. perceptions of suitability of performance appraisal / promotion lower turnover intentions 2. those of perceived promotion opportunity lower turnover intentions 3.those of professional competence raise turnover intentions. As a whole, it was suggested that employees’ perceptions of HRM and their degree of career development are important factors of the retention management.

キーワード : HRM認知, リテンション, キャリア発達, 退職意思, 職務業績
