
職場内訓練の成立条件 -ソシオメトリック・データを用いた実証-

犬塚 篤(東京大学)

The aim of this paper is to clarify the conditions of forming OJT (On-the-Job Training) using sociometric data, focusing on direct learning and modeling. The four characteristics related to identification and zone of indifference was regarded as condition variables. The results indicated that forming OJT required (a) trainer’s higher (level of) identification and lower indifference, (b) trainee’s higher identification and higher indifference, (c) trainer’s and trainee’s higher identification in relationships, (d) trainer’s lower indifference and trainee’s higher indifference in relationships. Also, additional analysis revealed that modeling needed the “adequate range of difference” in regard to identification.

キーワード : 職場内学習, 人間関係, 直接学習, モデリング学習, 一体化, 無関心圏
