
人的資源管理施策の受容促進における精綴化見込みモデルの適用可能性 一大学生を対象とした調査一

松山 一紀(近畿大学)

高木 浩人(愛知学院大学)

石田 正浩(京都府立大学)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the findings from persuasion research in the field of social psychology are applicable to the promotion of the acceptance of human resource management practices. We focused on the elaboration likelihood model as a finding of persuasion research, and conducted a survey with 492 undergraduate students taking a business management course. A multiple regression analysis with respondents’ attitude scores toward human resource management practices as the criterion variable revealed an interaction between the level of involvement and the strength of the argument. That is, our results indicated that when the level of involvement is high, the attitude score is not easily affected by the strength of argument, but when the level of involvement is low, the attitude score is easily affected by the strength of argument. Therefore, we concluded that the elaboration likelihood model can be applied to the promotion of acceptance of human resource management practices. A discussion ensued on implications and future challenges.

キーワード : 説得, 精緻化見込みモデル, 人的資源管理, 論拠, メッセージ
