

高石 光一(東京富士大学)

古川 久敬(九州大学)

This research introduced the concept of innovation-promotive behavior (IPB) as a critical behavior for organizational change. It was demonstrated that IPB consisted of six distinctive behavioral components. As an antecedent of IPB,the effect of job autonomy on IPB was explored. Specifically,the authors posited that job autonomy would affect IPB directly. In addition,it was proposed that organizational commitment and job involvement would mediate the relationship between job autonomy as a distal antecedent and IPB. The empirical findings supported that job autonomy was significantly associated with IPB via organizational commitment and job involvement as well as directly. It was found that the mediation effects of organizational commitment and job involvement affected differentially on behavioral dimensions of IPB. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

キーワード : 経営革新促進行動, 職務自律性, 組織コミットメント, 職務関与, 媒介効果
