
企業の非倫理的行為の発生過程に関する探索的研究 ――― 製造メーカーにおけるデータ改ざんの事例研究 ―――

福尾 弘子(旭硝子株式会社)

金井 篤子(名古屋大学)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the process by which a particular company was compelled to engage in unethical behavior in meeting the requirements of a customer when manufacturing certain products. The results indicate that the company was faced with considerable difficulties in producing a sufficient number of the products according to the customer’s specifications within the required time frame. This in turn led the company to an ethical dilemma as to whether priority should be given to manufacturing the products according to the customer’s specifications or satisfying the contract to deliver the products within the required time frame.

キーワード : 企業倫理, 非倫理的行為, アクシデント, ジレンマ, ネグレクト, 集団規範, 製品
