
復職支援における気分障害の再発予防に向けた心理的支援: マインドフルネスに基づく認知行動療法からのアプローチ

中川(井上) 裕美(同志社大学大学院 )

Recently,the numbers of employees who take on sick leave because of mental problems,mainly mood disorder are increasing. Therefore,return to work programs have been designed to treat mood disorder. The purpose of this article is to review studies on psychological therapy for mood disorder,especially,to introduce ‘mindfulness-based cognitive therapy’ for which numbers of researches have increased to study preventing relapse of mood disorder and to discuss its usefulness for return to work programs.

キーワード : マインドフルネス, 復職支援プログラム, 気分障害, 認知行動療法
