
職務志向性に基づくチーム構成とチーム・パフォーマンスの関連性: 最大値・最小値分析による検討

縄田 健悟(九州大学 )

山口 裕幸(九州大学)

波多野 徹(株式会社 産学連携機構九州)

青島 未佳(株式会社 産学連携機構九州 )

This study investigated the relationship between team composition based on work orientation and team performance. By examining the correlation between team performance and the maximum and minimum scores for work orientation,we determined whether the score of member with the highest work orientation correlated with team performance and whether the score of those with the lowest correlated with team performance. A survey of 161 teams comprising 1400 members from five different companies was conducted. The survey results show that the minimum score significantly correlated with team performance and team processes; however,the maximum score did not. This result suggests that a team member with negative work orientation worsens the overall team performance.

キーワード : チームワーク, チーム・パフォーマンス, チーム・プロセス
