
ヒューマンエラーに起因する労働災害の発生メカニズムに関する探索的研究: 製造メーカーにおける2件の事例研究を通して

福尾 弘子(旭硝子株式会社・名古屋大学)

金井 篤子(名古屋大学)

The purpose of this study is to examine how human errors which cause labor accidents occur and how they can be reduced to a minimum. In this study,two labor accidents caused by human errors were dealt with as case studies,in which we conducted semi-structured interviews with sixteen employees of a manufacturing company including victims,coworkers,maintenance workers,supervisors and managers. This study clearly states problems of the organization: maintenance delay of unstable facilities,managers’ ignorance of employees’ requests,attachment of importance to productivity,difficulty of evaluation of safety activities,and management of production line in a haphazard way. The result indicates what top executives,managers and supervisors should do to prevent human errors.

キーワード : 安全, ヒューマンエラー, 即発的エラー, 潜在的原因, ネグレクト, 組織的アプローチ
