
産業現場の事故事例を学習資源として活用させる職場環境要因: 学習過程で若年就業者が認識する経験間の共通性に着目して

長谷川 尚子(一般財団法人 電力中央研究所)

三沢 良(奈良大学)

山口 裕幸(九州大学)

This study aimed to examine workplace factors that may lead to greater utilization of industrial accident cases as a subject of learning. This study focused on the awareness of similarities among experiences as the beginning of indirect learning process about workplace failures such as industrial accidents. The following three workplace factors were dealt with: superiors’ behavior to develop young workers,utilization of information on failures,and open discussions. A questionnaire survey was conducted involving 144 young workers under the age of 30 years who were responsible for plant maintenance. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was executed with awareness of similarities among experiences as a criterion variable and three workplace factors and their interaction as explanatory variables. Results suggested that open discussions enhanced awareness of similarities among industrial accidents. Following interaction analysis of superiors’ behaviors,a mutual moderating effect was observed between support for reflection and confirmation of growth. Results also suggest that awareness of similarities was enhanced by superiors’ clarification of the reasons for practical tasks along with their confirmation of growth. In addition,it was predicted that superiors’ support for reflection would play a role in enhancing the awareness of similarities when information on failures was less utilized in workplace. The implications for development of young workers are discussed.

キーワード : 経験間の共通性認識, 失敗, 事故事例, 産業安全, 若年就業者
