
部下の暗黙のリーダー像がリーダーの誠実性の効果に及ぼす影響: 日中両国の企業組織を調査対象とした研究

施 桂栄(関東学院大学)

浦 光博(追手門学院大学)

In the previous research,the effect of leader integrity that leader integrity influences subordinates’ work motivation mediating their organization commitment was verified. In this study,it was examined how implicit leader image which subordinates have,influences leader integrity’s effect in the enterprise organizations of Japan and China. The result showed that the influence of implicit leader image was different in Japan and China. In Japan,the leader integrity was effective to the subordinate who make personality to the most important characteristic of his ideal leader,but the leader integrity did not show effective to the subordinate who make capability to the most important characteristic of his ideal leader. On the other hand,in China,the effect of leader integrity was shown in any of the subordinate who makes personal character or capability to the most important characteristic of his ideal leader. It was considered that in Japan,the individual difference of the cognition to leader integrity was remarkable,but in China,leader integrity is usually recognized as an all-inclusive base of the leader behavior.

キーワード : 暗黙のリーダー像, リーダーの誠実性, 組織コミットメント, 仕事意欲, リーダーの特性
