
仕事のパフォーマンス・プレッシャーが,ワークモティベーションと仕事の有意味性におよぼす影響 ―専制的リーダーシップとサーバントリーダーシップによる交互作用効果―

櫻井 研司(日本大学経済学部)

Building on vitamin model (Warr,2007) and self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci,2017),the current study explored the effects of performance pressure on 1) intrinsic work motivation,2) extrinsic work motivation,and 3) meaningfulness of work. Results based on 976 full-time Japanese workers showed that the effects of performance pressure on the aforementioned outcomes are curvilinear. Further,the effects of performance pressure on intrinsic work motivation and meaningfulness of work were moderated by servant leadership style,whereas the effect of performance pressure on extrinsic work motivation was moderated by autocratic leadership style. Theoretical implications,as well as implications for future research,are discussed.

キーワード : パフォーマンス・プレッシャー, リーダーシップ, 職務動機づけ, 仕事の有意味性
